Kamis, 24 November 2016

Review Film Hangover 3

The Hangover Part III is a 2013 American comedy film produced by Legendary Pictures and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It is the third and final installment in The Hangover trilogy. The film stars Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, and Ken Jeong. The supporting cast includes Jeffrey Tambor, Heather Graham, Mike Epps, Melissa McCarthy and John Goodman with Todd Phillips directing a screenplay written by himself and Craig Mazin. The film follows the "Wolfpack" (Phil, Stu, Doug, and Alan) as they try to get Alan the help he needs after facing a personal crisis. However, things go awry when an incident from the original film comes back to haunt them.
The Hangover Part III was announced days before the release of The Hangover Part II and Mazin, who co-wrote Part II, was brought on board. In January 2012, the principal actors re-signed to star. In March 2012, Warner Bros. announced a U.S. Memorial Weekend release. The supporting roles were cast between June and September 2012. Principal photography began in September 2012 in Los Angeles, California before moving to Nogales, Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada. The film was released on May 23, 2013 to generally negative reviews from critics.

Speech & Poem

  1. Speech about healty life
    My friends,
    Today I am going to deliver my speech about healthy life. Well, do you want to be healthy every day? If your answer is YES, then I need your attention. My short speech is about how and why we should have a healthy living pattern.
    Getting a healthy living style is extremely important. Besides being able to make a healthy body, it can also make avoid some diseases. There are a few healthy living patterns to consider, they are, healthy diet, exercise, and enough rest.
    We should keep on a healthy diet. Due to such healthy diet, we will be prevented from obesity an even malnutrition. There are so many food advertisements which attract us but we should think to stop eating some unhealthy food. Eating enough healthy food means getting a healthy body.
    Next is sport. Well as we know, sport is an activity that’s easy to do. However many of us ignore it.  Having regular exercises can be benefit for the health of the body. There are many kinds of exercises which we can do every day, from the cheapest one like cycling to the high cost exercises such as going to gym.
    Besides healthy diet and regular exercise, having enough rest is also very important. Enough rest will restore our bodies which are tired. Good quality of rest will gives enough time for body to restore the power which we have used.
    Well, my friends
    Having a healthy life pattern which consists of a good diet, regular exercises and an adequate rest should be kept on every day. It should be done whether in leisure time or busy day. It also gives a good impact on our attitude and as the result we will always be optimistic. Do you know why we should be optimistic every day? Yes, optimism will lead to a high achievement.
    My beloved friends,
    I think that’s all my speech today. Thank you for listening

  2. Poem
    I am afraid

    you say you love the rain
    but you open your umbrellah when it rain

    you say you love the sun
    but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines

    you say you love the wind
    but you close your window when wind blows

    this is  why I am afraid
    you say that you love me..

Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

Wireless Charger

Pada jaman sekarang sudah banyak sekali tekhnologi tekhnologi canggih yang berkembang di Negara luar, tapi di Indonesia juga sudah banyak tekhnologi canggih. Walaupun sudah banyak tekhnologi canggih di Indonesia, tapi menurut gua belom secanggih tekhnologi di Luar sana. Contoh nya Wireless Charger.

Wireless charger enggunakan induksi magnetik. Perangkat diletakkan di atas permukaannya dan baterai diisi secara otomatis - tidak dibutuhkan kabel. Keren banget yak, bisa ngecas tanpa kabel sob!!!!

Wireless charger segera menarik perhatian karena memungkinkan Anda untuk mengisi daya smartphone Anda lansung tanpa mencolok ke kabel. Hanya dengan menempatkan smartphone pada charger nirkabel, pengisian daya segera dimulai. Tentu saja, wireless charger sendiri masih harus dipasang ke colokan dinding. Keharusan untuk menggunakan perangkat terpisah yang harus dicolok ke dinding inilah yang menyebabkan Wireless Charger hampir sama seperti Charger lainya

Wireless charger lebih tepat disebut sebagai "pengisian induktif" karena menggunakan induksi magnetik. Penjelasan singkat adalah perangkat ini menggunakan magnet untuk mengirimkan energi. Arus yang berasal dari stop kontak dinding bergerak melalui kawat dalam charger nirkabel, menciptakan medan magnet. Medan magnet menciptakan arus listrik dalam kumparan di dalam perangkat elektroniik. Kumparan ini terhubung ke baterai dan arus listrik mengisi baterai. Perangkat harus memiliki hardware yang sesuai untuk mendukung pengisian nirkabel - perangkat tanpa kumparan yang tepat tidak dapat diisi secara nirkabel.
Itu menurut gua Tekhnologi yang menurut gua sangat di butuhkan di JABODETABEK!!